Elite school

We think that complete education in nowadays form give you the key to the success. Zaremba International Academy program is worked on by the highest world professionals. We guarantee individual way of teaching and consultancy from Zaremba International specialists.

Szkolenia Fryzjerskie

Experienced hairstylists say: “if you don’t evolve, you move back”. That is why, to meet you expectations, we organize two-days meetings to show you the widest opportunities connected with.


Hair Academy managed by the most titled hair-stylist – Joanna Zaremba-Wanczura.

We are the first elite Hair Academy in Poland that offers education on the highest world level. You can change your life with us and become a hairstylist no matter what you have been doing before because our academy educates not only practicing stylist but also people who would like to start their adventure with hairdressing. Every student get the perfect conditions and professional preparation to the craft. So if you want to have good job and the opportunity to develop, come to us and we will open your door to the career as a hair-stylist. The academy is managed by the most titled hair-stylist Joanna Zaremba-Wanczura – World Champion in Hairdressing, Champion of Poland, Trainer of National Team, juror on the world championships, Artistić Director of Intercoiffure Poland, Educator-member of the World Artistic Team OMC, member of the Artistic Pool Intercoiffure Mondial. Joanna made the training in Germany, Denmark, Taiwan and New Zeland and lot of training aroud all Poland. Her Team of instructors who work in Zaremba International Academy educate regularly in United Kingdom and USA. They are the Masters who are appreciated and liked by their students.


La Mania Fashion Show

Luxury yacht’ s baptism, presentation of Ferrari models, La mania fashion show… In Gdańsk there was Pomorian Randez-Vous – luxury trademarks show

Final Fashion Designer Awards

28.05.2013 we had a huge pleasure to take part in Fashion Designers Awards as a hair stylists.

Fashion Designer Awards

20.04.2013 we took part as the hairstylists in the competition of young designers called “Fashion Designers Awards” in Warsaw.


If you havee any questions, we will be in contact

Would you like to get more information ?
Do not hesitate !
Write to us!

Akademia Fryzjerska Joanna Zaremba-Wanczura realizuje projekt dofinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Osi priorytetowej 1. Wzmocnienie innowacyjności i konkurencyjności gospodarki regionu Działania 1.5 Opracowanie i wdrażanie nowych modeli biznesowych dla MŚP Poddziałania 1.5.3 Wsparcie procesu umiędzynarodowienia przedsiębiorstw

Tytuł projektu: Wejście przedsiębiorstwa Akademia Fryzjerska Joanna Zaremba-Wanczura na rynki zagraniczne

Celem projektu jest wejście na rynek Stanów Zjednoczonych, Indii, Chin, Zjednoczonych Emiratów Arabskich, podpisanie kontraktów z partnerami i rozpoczęcie eksportu usług szkoleniowych.

Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 447 028,00 zł.

Akademia Fryzjerska Joanna Zaremba-Wanczura realizuje projekt
dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich Fundusz Wsparcia Inwestycyjnego

Celem projektu jest dywersyfikacja działalności gospodarczej.

Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 43 462,12 zł